
Wednesday 29 May 2024

Initial Ideas

Originally, I planned on following the music video brief, however during a trial run of my ideas, I realised doing a music video would be impractical. I couldn’t easily access a performance space, or the instruments required for my music video, however I do have the necessary equipment needed for a music magazine. 

Looking at the brief, I have decided I would like to name my music magazine ‘IDOL’, centred around the k-pop genre. 63% of 16-25 year olds agreed they listen to new music to discover new perspectives and cultures, explaining the rise in amount of people interacting with k-pop within the target audience. I would like for my magazine to have a diverse coverage of k-pop as a whole, catering towards the audience’s generic interest, alongside ensuring they are entertained. 

Friday 24 May 2024

Planning: Pitch Feedback


From the pitch process, I have learnt that I need to ensure that my ideas are practical. Since the presenting my brief, I have found talent to be within my music video. 

From here, I am going to produce videos to check if my song is able to be lipsynced, alongside take photos of locations to initiate more ideas. I am also going to create a mock 30s- 1 minute video using my talent.

Thursday 9 May 2024

Generic Research- Case Study Three


When opening their website, the first thing seen is MOJO’s latest edition of their physical magazine. This is a good way of promoting their most recent products, and enticing an audience to further explore their website to look at other editions. At the top of their website, there are several tabs to music related sources, which I could utilise within my website to promote other methods of audience engagement, such as linking social media.

Additionally, their website showcases other music-related articles that aren’t featured within editions. I think this is a good method of increasing audience interaction, especially with a genre-specific magazine, because if an audience has bought a magazine for a genre, they are likely to pay attention to articles with a similar nature of content. This would also be a good way of adding intertextuality to my products. There are also subscription buttons scattered around the webpage, to ensure audiences make a purchase.

MOJO’s website also has an archive of their latest magazines. This is another way I could display my editions.

Generic Research- Case Study Two


Whilst ‘Billboard’ is a music magazine, it doesn't follow a lot of generic conventions. The masthead is unconventionally placed, and there is a lack of puffs and basic information, which is typically expected from a music magazine. However this gives the magazine connotations of sophistication. Despite this, most generic conventions are adhered to, such as direct mode of address from artists and uncentered coverlines.

I am inspired by the use of this cover’s naturalistic mise-en-scene, and would like to do something similar within one of my front covers. I like the connotations of ‘realness’, alongside the visually pleasing colour palette accompanying the natural theme. 

Photoshoot 2: Contact Sheet