
Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Website Walkthrough


Website interactive elements

On each 'article', there is a sticker representing the type of artist that will feature within the interviews. When clicked on, this will open up an 'about the artist' pop-up, giving them an introduction, encouraging readers to interact with the website, and read the article.

Clicking the 'NOVEMBER EDITION HERE' button will take you to the 'EDITIONS' page. 

On the 'EDITIONS' page, the first thing seen will be my two front covers. Clicking on each front cover will give a teaser to the edition's contents.

Clicking on the video allows you to turn on the volume, and watch it.

Clicking on each piece of merch takes you to the products page.

After 5 seconds, the phone will 'scroll' to the next post.

Clicking on the playlist will take you to Spotify to listen to it on.

Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Website Logo

 For my logo, I'm going to use my masthead from my magazine, however I am going to utilise the fact that websites aren't still image products, and create an animation out of it. To highlight that my website is for a music magazine, I would like to mimic the movement of music notes, as shown below, which will be recognisable by my target audience:

NEA Final Submission

 Website:   HOME | Melody Edition 1  Edition 2